HomeWork with Kim
HomeWork with Kim
Ep 6. Jamaica 60: Re-ignited for Greatness?
Welcome to Homework with Kim, Episode 6 -Jamaica 60: Re-ignited for Greatness?
Thank you so much for joining me for this episode!
Jamaica, land we love celebrated its 60th year of Independence on August 6, 2022 under the banner: Re-igniting a nation for greatness. In this episode, we take a detailed look at where the country is right now and what it can mean for our homes and families.
We love our island, therefore it is obviously tough to acknowledge that crime and violence are very serious issues that should make us wonder if we are really headed for greatness as a country.
Our families' futures seem to be in danger.
Happy Emancipendence Jamaica! As we do the HomeWork to be Re-ignited so that we can take part in the mission to Re-ignite our Nation for Greatness, Please SHARE if you think it could be beneficial to someone.
Just look around, you'll see it... we have some HomeWork to do. . . so let's get started!
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