HomeWork with Kim
HomeWork with Kim
Ep 8. Jamaica 60 (Part 2): A Nation Under God
Welcome to Homework with Kim, Episode 8 -Jamaica 60 (Part 2): A Nation Under God
Thank you so much for joining me for this episode!
After Episode 6: Jamaica 60: Re-ignited for Greatness, having received such favourable feedback, I made the decision to close Emancipendence Month with a sort of Part 2 of Podcast Epsiode 6.
This episode - Jamaica 60 (Part 2): A Nation Under God. focuses on the key reason why, in spite of all the other reasons to be concerned, our country has had so many victories.
We discuss the Jamaican national anthem and pledge, the country we adore, and how our GREAT GOD has blessed us because we have prayed to him at each performance of the national anthem for more than 60 years. We also consider the commitment we made in front of God and all of humanity, as well as the significance of keeping that vow-our national Pledge
Happy Emancipendence Jamaica! As we do the HomeWork to be Re-ignite so that we can take part in the mission to Re-ignite our Nation for Greatness UNDER GOD, Please SHARE if you think it could be beneficial to someone.
Just look around, you'll see it... we have some HomeWork to do. . . so let's get started!
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