HomeWork with Kim
HomeWork with Kim
S2. Ep 1. NEW is not always better: Old School vs New School Parenting
Happy New Year! Happy New Season! Happy 2023!
Welcome to Homework with Kim, Season 2 Episode 1 -NEW is not always better: Old School vs New School Parenting.
Thank you so much for joining me for this kickoff episode for Season 2!
On this the first episode of the NEW year, before the ink dries on those New Year resolutions, we confront the fact that it would seem that newer is always better in the never-ending pursuit for better this or better that. When it would be much easier to try to fix things and be more disciplined and diligent in what we do, we frequently give up and discard things.
In this episode, we compare parenting in OLD and NEW schools and briefly discuss some aspects of OLD school parenting that we could be better off making NEW.
Let us to do the HomeWork necessary to discover areas in your family and home where NEW is not always better: Old School vs New School Parenting.
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Just look around, you'll see it... we have some HomeWork to do. . . so let's get started!
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